
The Mom Cave saga continues

By kate blue - Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Do you have a special place in your home that you go to get away from it all? A place where you can relax, read, craft or just chill doing what you most enjoy? If not, do you wish you did? Would a $250 Gift Certificate to HomeGoods help? Between Naps on the Porch is a Home and Garden/ Lifestyle blog belonging to Susan where you'll find inspiration on all kids of stuff from Antiquing to table decor and more...she is teaming up with HomeGoods who is generously sponsoring the MOM CAVE giveaway...details here but this is my take on it...I do have the "Mom Cave" but it truly needs some revival-it's mismatched -asian inspired with leopard with shabby chic with metallics-get me outta here!!! and outdated and screams for cohesiveness and organization!!!

Organize me!
The room and close ups of  what's obviously too much stuff:

craft table

Home Goods-come take me away!!!

overflo on da floor and my broken chair that's doubling as storage

so here's the deal...If I get to re-do my "cave" this is how you mix animal with classy in a good way:           and for good measure, I'd throw some outdoor decor into the mix; gardening stuff isn't just for the outside...vases can hold all kids of stuff from alpha chips to brushes :) since I do have a black thumb when it comes to real gardening!

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  1. We all could use a bit of organizing, but it looks like you have some spectacular treasures!

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Hope you win the cave makeover. But don't you know I will love that space you have. You should see mine, just a corner of the kitchen table :D

  3. Love your "Cave"! It is real! Looks like mine. . . I like to see the real thing. . Hope you win. Good Luck! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh! I love the look you've chosen. . .however; you've got a great space for creativity to flow!
    Thank you for sharing your space. I can sense something great about to develop!

  5. So cool you have a whole room. Hey, you picked the same pots I picked! I hope they have more, lol! Lezlee

  6. We all have to start somewhere and your space looks like it has great potential. I have to say though, even with my "nest" fixed up, I still have trouble keeping my drawers/closet neat!


  7. Great space to be creative!

  8. Great space to call your own. Organizing is good for all of us.

  9. You have a great space and some fun stuff. With a bit of organizing, I know your mom-cave can be fabulous!


  10. Responding to your question at The Ivy Cottage . . . inreference to the flower wall mural.
    Thanks for the compliment! I painted the mural myself using a projector machine to blow up the image on the wall . . . I traced it and then basically did paint by numbers! Glad you liked it and thanks for stopping by! Look forward to browsing your blog!

  11. You're funny... and you'd get my vote! I hope you win.


  12. Too funny...you are very brave to put your stuff all out there...but that's great because not everyone has a picture perfect Mom Cave ;) But you have a lot of potential so don't overlook all the great baskets and organizers that HomeGoods has. A good tip is to sort your stuff by FUNCTION and then measure/quantify how much space it's going to take up and then GO BUY your baskets and organizers to place all your stuff in. Use a labeler or shipping tags tied on them to ASSIGN THE FUNCTION so that you can easily find your things and return them when you are done. Hope this helps...I was a Pro.Organizer for years and just can't help myself...lol Best of luck in the giveaway, fondly, Roberta

  13. I am going to be back to see the incredible room you are going to end up with!

  14. Oh.. fun! Love seeing others creative spaces! Always fun to get organizing ideas from eachother. Thanks for coming by and for giving me a peek at your "fun place".


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