
Paper Issues-crafty countdown to Christmas

By kate blue - Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Hope you are still checking out all the super awesome Christmas crafts and projects @ Paper Issues and on our linky party!  I was browsing around JoANn's looking for the seam binding and wandered over to the Christmas decor...this little frame ( 3 x 5)  caught my eye and I thought, aaahhh, how cute these would be for the bathroom!  I'll just grab a coupla of them and be on my way...  

till I looked at the price tag...$ 19.99..EACH !!!!???  For a 3 x5 framed piece of THAT ??? Nothing against JoAnn's, but Are you kidding me ???  So, I went back around the store and bought 1/2 yd of burlap (which is DIRT CHEAP and it comes in 5 different colors including red) for like a whole $ 1.25...went home and did my own thing using stash outta my scrapbook items; well, outta my friend Caryn's stash (we hung out and scrapped last weekend-thank you diva AGAIN for letting me have free rein in the stash !!!)...I made 3  (8 x 10) framed prints for the bath with the TOTAL cost of like maybe $ 8-10...including price of frames. DIY on a dime.....not my best but I plain on practicing ...still, great way to use the bling and buttons and I still have 1/2 of the burlap left over for next year!

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  1. Red burlap? Where do you live I'm moving over there!!!! My Mom and I both cried when they closed the Joann's here in NYC- waaaah!
    I think your designs are tons cuter than the ones from the store- the first is a fave.

  2. Wow!~Those turned out great! I guess I gotta go buy some burlap & use my STASH!

  3. Wow- They turned out awesome! I guess I gotta go buy some burlap & use my STASH!!!


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