
Straight up now tell me...

By kate blue - Wednesday, May 04, 2011

are you gonna come play with us over at Twisted Sketches for Sketch #99????  Yup, this week's "twist" is "straight"....you know I love all things straight, I cannot do tilted or cockeyed-so if you see me do it, it's usually for a challenge and even then, I can only twist about 20 degrees!!!...so my take on the straight was actually song lyrics...I used the song "STRAIGHT AHEAD" as sung by Christian artist Amy Grant....

Day by day, dream by dream.
I fight to find the way to go.
Every day opens a different door.
Every dream shadows the one before.
But slowly I can see
The way You've made for me.

Straight ahead, I can see Your light.
Straight ahead, through the dark.
Straight ahead, there's no left or right.
Straight ahead, to your heart.
This boy child of mine turns 7 this month and it's hard to not get emotional when I think back to that particular day....July 2004...It was just a regular hospital visit, me in jeans, tshirt and a baseball cap and my nurses had a surprise for me!!!  They said I could hold him!!! WooHoo!!! He was 3 months old before his momma got to hold him for the FIRST time....
He was so fragile and for the first time since he was born, I just knew in my heart that there had to be a light at the end of that tunnel; I knew that this child was a fighter and a true warrior ...I didn't know that it would be another month before I could hold him again, I didn't know about the rest of the journey; didn't know about the surgeries and baby steps back that would present themselvses on a DAILY basis;  but it was still a good day..... He always has a straight path to my heart...and I think to GOD's too ...he keeps showing us how amazing he is.

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  1. What a heartwarming story! And such a lovely layout!

  2. Oh there so should be a tissue warning with this lovely story. LOL. It is such a wonder to see Gods wonderful works in someones life. The photo of the two of you is so precious. Thanks for sharing.....~Cherrie~

  3. Oh, Kate, what a sweet photo and beautiful layout. He is precious!


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