
Webster's Pages tray

By kate blue - Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I had mentioned earlier in the month that I bought one of the Webster's Pages Warehouse boxes and was not disappointed...I knew that if I didn't start digging in and using it right away that it would sit around so I had a cute little tray that Lynnette had sent me and so I scraplifted this idea from an ad in the May issue of Scrapbook Trends...they didn't say who made it and I can't put my hands on it right now since I'm in the middle of rehauling the whole studio (no lie-see side pic- I cleaned each closet and tote and table and dumped it all on the chair so I can go through each piece like a Hoarder LOL)-am getting ready to donate 25%  to a local high school who has a Scrapbook CLub))

anyway, back to the tray...painted it black and ALL products are Webster's Pages with the exception of the pearls (Queen & Co), the Jenni Bowlin yellow butterfly stickers and the leaves (Michaels)-how delish are those trims???

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  1. Gorgeous. Love your tray Kate. I've been wanting to make one of these. :)

  2. This is sooooooooo beautiful-- seriously!! I so want to try to make a tray one day!

  3. I love this! It's beautiful.


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