
Motivation Monday

By kate blue - Monday, May 28, 2012

sometimes we get in ruts and need some inspiration...I personally go to Etsy, foodie mags, challenge blogs, Pinterest or scrap mags  for inspiration....this week's inspiration comes from the DT at Child's Play Challenges blog-they actually have a few challenges this month and I had all intentions of doing them all BUT... only got one done so far...the TOY challenge is a classic-MR POTATO HEAD !
I was inspired by the yellow and blue combo with just a touch of red....again, I have had this picture that I altered sitting around in an envelope for about a year...pulled it out and went to town with some scraps!

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  1. Oh that is supercool! First Mister Potato Head rocks and then taking the colors for a layout is so genius! And you handwriting looks fabulous!

  2. If it works use it! Nice job on the layout!

  3. wow- paage is amazing and I love how you altered the photo! Thanks for playing along at Child’s Play Challenges =) Tiffany

  4. Great inspiration and great layout!

  5. I love the altered photo! So glad to see you get it on paper, it's awesome and love your take on the challenge too! Great page! Thanks for playing along at Child's PLay!

  6. Wow, the altered photo really is striking and works well with this challenge

  7. That's a fantastic looking layout. Thanks for joining in the challenge at Child's Play

  8. Anonymous10:20 AM EDT

    I love this altered photo !! Thanks for joining us at Child's play challenges !


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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