
SUPER SUNDAY! oops Monday!

By kate blue - Monday, May 28, 2012

(blogger USER  issue-this was supposed to post on Sunday-oh well...)  HOPE YOU ARE STILL ENJOYING THE LONG WEEKEND! Just thought I'd jot down some stuff to put in my Smash Book at a later date!

1/ Wearing:   Boyfriend jeans, blue Old Navy tshirt and ballet flats (my uniform)
2/ Listening to:  Lionel Ritchie's Tuskegee CD...love the mix of R & B with the country artists !!

3/ Eating: potato salad, homemade burger with yummy toppings
4/ Drinking: wine (SteepleChase of course)
5/ Reading: David Baldacci's  The Innocent
6/ Needing: a pedicure !
7/ Wishing: for two new charms for my Pandora bracelet
this isn't mine-just a pic from Chamilia

8/  Crafting:  canvases-I'm on an altered kick right now
9/  Enjoying: relaxing holiday weekend at home doing birthday stuff for Thing 2

10/  Loving:  health

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  1. I think those charm bracelets are awesome I'll put one on my wish list too! I can sure taste some really good potato salad mmm!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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