
Wonderful Wednesday!~

By kate blue - Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Even though I spoke too soon and am now sick too...I started feeling funny while Thing 2 and I were on our lunch date and it was all rainy and stuff so I thought it was just the weather combined with my allergies...but by the time we finished errands 2 hours later,OMG, full blown sick!  But, we moms do what we gotta do...NYQUIL cocktail and so this morning, sick or no sick, I gotta be up since hubs in in training...times like this show me that mothers of regular kids got it made; you can just send your kids to fend for themselves...but, it's still a wonderful day despite, I'm still living and breathing...I plan on setting Thing 2's stations up, set his food out and then crawling myself back in bed till about 1pm then I gotta get back up & get him off to therapy.  All in a day's work...see?  I told the folks over at Carta Bella that my superpower is multi-tasking and I meant it!

June 15th is still approaching...have you saved the date yet??  I'll give you a heads up!  The totally talented card (amongst other crafty projects) diva, Rochelle Washington, from Two Tears in my Bucket has decided to Friday feature yours truly even though I am not the baby's mother a card maker:):):)

yup, every week, this bloggerita (I like that term although I would interpret that for me as a blogger who likes margaritas=ME) scours blogland for crafters to feature at Paperie Designs' Studio Come Friday, it'll be ME!  Hope you'll come back to both blogs to see what's up!

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  1. Sorry you are under the weather, I ddin't even know Moms were allowed to get sick - it seems as if you are breaking some kind of rule, lol. Congrats on the Paperie Design's Studio feature, your awesomeness should be shared, lol.


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