
February Counterfeit Kit layout #1

By kate blue - Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I had started some projects after I created my February Counterfeit kit, but then things got pushed to the side ...and then once I got back home, my mojo was GONE...but that's the thing about crafting, it's the PICKMEUP when you are down in the dumps; it gets us to that calm state of mind...So, I cleaned my table today and finished the layout I started...and I felt better than I had all week...

**photo acquired outta my daughter's ipod :):) cute to check out the pictures they take of themselves and their friends!

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  1. It's a sweet photo and great page! You're right, scrapping picks you up!

  2. I agree with Cindy! It's a super sweet photo! I love all the little bits you added here and there on the page. Scrapbooking is totally therapeutic :)

  3. Super fun page! Love the journaling too!

  4. great layout - all the little elements scattered across the page are great and the colour scheme is yummy. I especially like the contrast of the large black doily - it looks so good!

  5. You are a master at drawing my attention and leading my eye on a journey across your page! I really truly love your style!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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