
Wonderful Wednesday and a request :):)

By kate blue - Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Great news (we needed some)-BCBS has approved the 2nd CI (cochlear implant) surgery for Thing 2! March 4! We are asking that you please start your prayer circles since this is the equivalent of brain surgery....serious stuff but I know that we are in fantastic hands since Charley Della-Santina (and the folks at Johns Hopkins) is a gift from God.... he's done 2 surgeries already on our little champ so I pray the 3rd is a success as well :):)


The request: I am asking my friends near and far to send my guy some snail mail so that he feels special during his recovery...surgery is March 4th and I'll just dish out mail every day since he'll be home recuping for a whole week .... send me an email to : bluequeen4@hotmail.com and I'll send my snail mail....thanks so much!!!

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  1. Awww Thing 2 is such a trooper! I know that he will sail thru this surgery with flying colors. The Kiddies & I will work on some mail gifts for him....Prayers surrounding your family!!!

  2. When prayers go up blessings come down! I am in!

  3. Praying for blessings for him! Don't forget to send me your addy!!! :)


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