
Leftovers... Yay or nay? CKCB LO#2

By kate blue - Monday, August 19, 2013

I personally don't mind food leftovers but I prefer to make em over  so they aren't REALLY the same...so, I didn't mind that challenge #2 over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge Blog for August is: USE CRAFTY LEFTOVERS!!!  When it comes to my scraps for crafting, I admit, I am not that organized; they don't even up in one place, nor or they organized by color -they just end up on my scrap table in a box or in a  12 x 12 ziplock bag!

Challenge #2: Leftover Challenge:  Pick a scrap (not from your kit) to use on a project!  Hey...use as many scraps as you want!  The more the merrier!
And that's exactly what I did-BUFFET time! Heidi Swapp style!  Had maybe one or two of those black stickers left and a piece of the banner (I usually cut stuff like those in half and use em), half of that pink sticker too so I tucked it in the back...piece of washi and unfortunately, I used the last of the the pack of the fabulous My Mind's Eye epoxies.....

background papers are Heidi Swap too :)

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  1. I'll have to check these fun challenge blogs out!

  2. And that pp is so freaking cool! I'm a little too late on the chevron bandwagon but I do love them now!

  3. LOVE how the background paper choice really has that beach summery vibe to it - unorthodox but FAB! All sorts of goodies on that strip that's anchoring the photo. I want a closer look! Great scrappy scrapping on this one, lol

  4. A beautiful page to match a beautiful photo :)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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