
Queen of Unfinished projects-that's me!

By kate blue - Sunday, September 08, 2013

September challenge # 1 over at the Counterfeit Kit Challenge Blog (CKCB) is Project Complete!   Work on AND finish an unfinished project! As you all know, last week I cleaned the scrap studio:

clean shelves for ROYAL ephemera :)
special gifts from special people
  and in my cleaning I piled up this:

yup, a large pile of unfinished layouts from (clear throat)...2012....
so, for Challenge #1, I dug in and finished not one, not two, but three of them!  Yay me!

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  1. well, now - that felt GOOD, didn't it? You have a smashing scrap space! And 3 pages? you are cooking with gas!

  2. Well that challenge I couldn't play along with ... cuz I am sooooooo OCD I can never keep a project not done! LOL!! :) I loveeeeee the lo's you finished!! GORGEOUS!!!! Loving that Disney one!!!!!

  3. All 3 are fantastic.Now you need to alternate a finished/unfinished on until you clear the decks.
    Love your scrapping space by the way :)

  4. Like the "Family" layout and of course the last "Queen Kat". Lots of great finished projects in your place!

  5. You did great! I'm motivated...TFS

  6. Go you indeed, great layouts.
    So you'll be joining in with the blog hop to show us the rest???

  7. I always get a kick readingabout what you are up to. Though like me you are strictly speaking over the limit, I wanted to nominate you non-the-less for a blog award:


    Have a happy crafty day,

  8. You have been busy Kate - well done! Love your 3 "old" pages, especially the fun Disney one.

  9. Great space Kate!! Thanks for sharing!!
    Awesome layouts too... I have a pile of unfinished layouts too. Too many ideas, not enough time ;)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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