
September Counterfeit-let the layouts begin!

By kate blue - Monday, September 09, 2013

Since dinner yesterday was a la crockpot  (whoever invented that was a genius)-I brought my September Counterfeit kit upstairs and scrapped while I watched the US Open....only got 2 layouts done (kids decided they were determined to NOT let me scrap-that's why I usually do it downstairs) but it's all good; it was a start!
I loved that I finally have started documenting a trip we were gifted in 2007 as part of the Children's Miracle Network. (It was a trip similar to the Make A Wish trip for sick children/ children who have just overcome serious heath obstacles and yes, we got to hang out with John Schneider (even more gorgeous in person) and the super funny & beautiful Ms. Marie Osmond along with some of their other celebrity friends ALL WEEK  long.)  It was our first time EVER going to Disneyworld and all on a private plane gifted by the wonderful folks/employee volunteers of the Delta Airlines Force For Good (along with a host of other organizations who worked their magic night and day to gift 50 USA families plus 4 Canadian families an all expenses paid trip to Washington DC and Disneyworld)  My Thing 2 was the Maryland sick child ambassador and it was a life changing trip; even the Washington DC part!  There were serious bonds made with parents, ambassadors and siblings of sick kids and yes, some of the kids we went with are no longer here today so it makes me appreciate our journey to wellness even more.
So, I'm finally ready to get these pictures and memories to paper and the October Afternoon Travel Girl collection is just perfect for it!  I may switch it out and do a mini book with this month's kit since I have way too many photos :)

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  1. two beautiful and colorful layouts :) great!

  2. Love when I see bits & pieces that I have, too! Don't know what your family's struggles have been but grateful that things are better now :~) Another set of lovely pages!

  3. What an amazing trip that must have been!!!!! I loveeeeeeee both your lo's!! I am LOVING the colors and the designs!!!!

  4. Fab layouts, glad we are keeping you busy!!

  5. these look grest. thanks for popping by my blog.

  6. Love your layouts so much to see congrats

  7. Isnt it great when you can sit to some scrapping!!! Love your LO's and the details in them are fabulous!

  8. how wonderful to be able to get these special memories down on pretty paper, great designs.


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