
November is World Prematurity month....

By kate blue - Friday, November 01, 2013

     Premature birth is the leading killer of newborns worldwide

While other parents are counting happy milestones — baby's first smile, first tooth, first steps — the parents of premature babies are counting heartbeats. Premature babies aren't just small. Many of them — one million babies each year — won't make it to their first birthday.
 That could've been our story 9 years ago as I went into premature labor unexpectedly at 25 (almost 26) weeks but by the grace of God, our story took a different and more unique turn.  And while the picture above looks like a pamphlet,(it isn't) it is indeed my THING 2, my special guy who I love to the end of the world and back.
I came into the world of scrapbooking because of this journey with prematurity and while I have NOT scrapped the first 2 years of this kid's life, ONE DAY I will get to it...I canNOW look at pictures like these but can't journal about it so that's where I am stuck....9 years later...

As we lead up to World Prematurity Day ( November 17th), I'll be sharing links to organizations and will also share some more parts of our story in order to to bring awareness to the such a serious issue.


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  1. Awwwwww... he is so precious!! He is so lucky to have you as a Mama and I am sure you count lucky stars that you have him!!!

  2. I remember your comment when I blogged about my journey with Lola a while back- it was along the same lines about not being able to look at the photos or write your thoughts into words. Now I know why. This photo is so icredibly heart breaking! I cant imagine how you must havecfelt minute to minute- day by day.
    I ran a similar risk with my pregnancy and the doctors were all pretty negative on the outcome- I can't believe how fortunate I was. You are too. Your son is amazing and I'm so glad you took this first step. What I went through was scary but not a tenth of the fear you must have felt looking at your little like this. Huge huge hugs.


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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