
Voting is on-Vote for me!

By kate blue - Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I had no idea the poll was up...my LSS Photoscraps is having their 1st Guest Designer position and of course I'm in need of a few hundred votes {HEHEHEHEE}....read & pass on to everybody and for the next 48 hours, VOTE FOR ME HERE @ PHOTOSCRAPS BLOG !

Here are the 2 layouts I did-

we had to use what was in the premade BG kit which was a tiny struggle for me since I could've added "tons" more junk to the pages...One layout each-Thing 1 and Thing 2 to show the versatilty of Basic Grey's Lemonade collection-you CAN use Pink on boy's pages!

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  1. I voted for you! Good luck! I hope you win! Your pages are great.


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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