
LOTD-word of the day **Laugh**

By kate blue - Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Challenge from the girls at a new site I've just discovered and can jump into (I'm challenged on some of these challenge sites cause of the textures and journaling issues and just can't do them) called Category Stories- The Girls say:

"Seems we’ve all been a little (LOT- I agree-if you were a fly on the wall this morning over the discussion about Brandon's speech therapy) stressed around here…how about you? I’m sure you’re all feeling the effects of back-to-school, etc.  We’re here to change the stress levels! As the holidays coming marching in we’re all feeling a bit overwhelmed and pulled in so many directions"-so their October word challenge is ******LAUGH**********

I should've scrapped myself laughing but that ain't happening today so....instead Thing 1 is up!

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  1. what a fun and colorful layout. Gorgeous. Great photography too! I am digging your style. Love the slide of pages!

  2. What a beautiful smile your DD has. Love this layout, the papers are unusual.

  3. Such a fab layout! Thank you for leaving me a comment on my blog.
    Love your work,


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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