
Dear God, It's me, Katherine

By kate blue - Tuesday, February 09, 2010

and what can we say here in Maryland except that we do like snow (most of us but not me) BUT come on, 38 inches one storm and now another 12+ inches tonight?? Makes me wanna pull my hair!  We finally got a snow plow back here around 1 pm, but he did such a hack job-went up to the end and then left..pitiful, he shoulda stayed drinking coffee somewhere.  We dug ourselves out yesterday..this shows just how wonderful this community is that I live in.  Our course we are small, only 3 streets and some of us are original owners so everybody knows each other...of course being outside all week has caused hubby to get sick so that means we won't get any shoveling done tomorrow cause Queen Kat don't do dat kinda work!

Thing 1 and Thing 2 finally decided that they would go out for a bit and Thing 2 (the boy) actually liked it for once!  He's mor of a summer/beach/pool guy even though it means his cochlear comes off-go figure.  For those of you enjoying warm temps, pray for us!

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