
We meet!

By kate blue - Thursday, December 31, 2009

Scrapping and crafting has certainly allowed me to meet some really fun, talented and just downright
 down-to-earth folks and last night, I was in the company of two scrapping divas!!! After much emailing and just gettin to know ya, I finally met Lindsay G. face-to-face!

(you may know her from 52Sketches52weeks OR from Simply Obsessed OR from Coordinates Collections and if you don't YOU SHOULD-she has mad style! AND she told me she's never taken a class before last night-so I was with her for her FIRST)...oh yeah, I'm getting off topic... where was I ???

Oh yeah, Lindsay emailed me about getting together to meet Jenni Bowlin at the Queens Ink!! So we did get together to take her Shabby Collage Frame class-I didn't finish mine since I haven't printed my picture yet-went to Walmart today to get the printer ribbons and after 2 hours of walking around and picking up face stuff, toilet paper, pajamas and some other misc odds-n-ends (I didn't know the Arundel Mills store had food items!), I left the store, got on Rt. 100 and THEN remembered the ribbons...so, I have no pic to finish the project till the weekend.  But here was our inspiration-you know mine is gonna be different-I had to be the "ROYAL" painin theass who can't do it the exact way as the sample-thank goodness Jenni wanted us to make it "our own"-she was so sweet and genuine and her hubby Jared was too!  Will post mine on the weekend :).

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  1. Looks like you had a fun time Kate...what a cute collage frame. Can't wait to see yours.

  2. You both look great!!! Jesica (yeyioasis)


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