
TGIF everybody...my Friday Scrapper is coming

By kate blue - Friday, May 20, 2011

all the way from Germany (man I wish I could get there to visit my brother, see the sites and scrapbook too but...) it's JANNA!!!! And IF you can believe it (I can't....you won't either when you see her AWESOMENESS) , she has ONLY been crafting since April of 2010...one year....I accidentally found her blog and all I can say is that this chick is super talented...she mixes scrapping with stamping and a little mixed media thrown in there too.  Like this for example:
is that not gorgeous or what? and look what the gal can do with some scraps!
so anyway, hop over to her BLOG and leave her some ROYAL L-O-V-E won't you?? 
I think I may be scraplifting her this weekend at the PhotoScraps crop!!!

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  1. :D Thank you, you really made me blush :D And thanks for the inspiration you are for all of us out there. HUGS Janna

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM EDT

    o yes, you're abolutely right! i LOVE her works too and love to be inspired by janna!!
    she's my very best...:o)))
    many greetings from germany, dagmar

  3. Janna is very talented - I have been "following"!!! her for awhile and her art is amazing!!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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