
Counterfeit Kit March Challenge #1!

By kate blue - Thursday, March 14, 2013

and believe it or not, the first challenge over at the Counterfeit Kit Challenge  Blog was super easy for ME....all they want you to do is a layout with just PICTURES -NO JOURNALING!

I got this..................
I liked that the transparency (Deja Views/LYB) had preprinted words on it plus, the paper at the bottom did too (maybe HO3??)  Loved this picture- I was trying to catch them but you know kids never stay still and so I only got their lower halves...but I liked it!  And yes, the water was that color, don't ask me why...we were in some natural springs in Florida and the water was blue & orange-NO Photoshopping! 
ps- I apologize for the awful pic of the LO-daylight was damn near gone by the time I got home tonight!

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  1. Great job on the challenge! I haven't tackled this one yet - no journaling kinda freaks me out :) It does really make the eye focus on the photo, though! Great work with the challenge!

  2. Beautiful layout. And that picture is the epitome of boys in the summer! At least what my brothers were all three months during the summer!!! Perfect!

  3. looks like they had lots of fun.

    My hubby would have spend hours photographing that water and feet/legs in it.

    Great layout.

  4. Brilliant action photo that really captures the moment! The layout is fab too, love the stars washi tape! x


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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